Belle and Bette’s Kindermusik Adventure…

They galloped! They walked! They ran! And they laughed! It was another great week at Kindermusik! The kids learned more about farm animals and the sounds they make! Ms. Belinda had a finger puppet with each finger a different farm animal! There were lots of smiles and even some "Moos!" in recognition. At one point, the babes all ended up in the middle of the room all sitting down together to play with instruments! This was quite a sight as it is rare for all babies to be doing the same thing-- a great photo opportunity for the parents!

One thing I really appreciate about our Kindermusik experience is the ability to teach my daughter about other people. A few examples: to stop and beware of smaller children, be gentle, to remind her to share, and to listen to Ms. Belinda. It is a work in progress at 17 months old, yet, Kindermusik creates the environment that is so key for giving her these important tools in life. It is a fantastic experience.